Chains for Linda - Chapter 2
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“It was years ago that I went to visit a dominatrix in Berlin. I arranged a no limit session, leaving myself at the mercy of the domme. I didn’t know, at the time, that she didn’t know the concept of mercy. But I had found the idea of a no limits session to be very arousing. The actuality, at the time, was something different. But in looking back at it, I find what I suffered to now be arousing. Not that I would have had the guts to ever go back to her.
Chapter 4: Ex's and Oh's
The plan was simple. Cunt had noticed that Ryan was recently visiting a new coffee shop around the corner from his apartment. Teresa hadn't remembered Ryan being a particularly avid coffee drinker, and yet, every morning for the past two weeks he'd return to his apartment carrying a cup from the new place.
Cunt suggested that Teresa hang out there and 'accidentally' bump into him. Then they could rekindle their relationship over coffee. It would be just like in the movies.
My sister’s friend, Emma, has always been cute, but ever since the tragedy, her life had run completely off the rails. I’ll never forget the screams the first night. She used to be our neighbor. I didn’t know what happened that night, but I knew something was wrong and I called the police. It turned out, her father went mental and shot and killed her brother then disappeared. Emma’s mother brought her home to the scene and melted down when she saw her dead son. There is no sound in this world like a mother who has lost a child. The pain is just too much to handle.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Cumsocket was sitting on the couch across from me with her legs spread obscenely
wide. She was dressed like a Thai street-walker, she had the most garish red lipstick
I could find, it was painted heavily on her lips. Her hair was up in a pony tail and she
was mounted on shinny red heels strapped firmly to her ankles.
I’d bought so many pairs of stripper heels over the months, the people at the
shop probably thought I’d had some kind of fetish; little did they know how many girls